IHSAA Achieve

Honoring the achievements of the past and inspiring achievements of the future in Iowa high school activities.

Supporting student leaders statewide. The IHSAA and Achieve are proud to support numerous organizations and opportunities for educational outreach. This is highlighted by the work of the Iowa Association of Student Councils, which serves thousands of Iowa student leaders and their communities. IASC operates under the under the direction of the IHSAA, in partnership with the School Administrators of Iowa.

We believe in education-based activities. IHSAA Achieve is taking on the mission of the Iowa Hall of Pride: Educating the future, preserving the past, and celebrating accomplishments of all Iowans.

Iowa Farm Bureau Logo
six men in suits accepting awards
an image of five men holding awards on a basketball court
a family accepting an award

Iowa has been home to countless athletes, coaches, and contributors who have excelled for their sports and schools. Meet the IHSAA Hall of Fame inductees and historic award winners who have exhibited outstanding leadership and ability in their field.

Being a strong leader isn’t just about what you do, it’s about who you are. Help set students up for success through IHSAA’s student services. We’ve partnered with different programs and universities to bring opportunities to young Iowans, including programs around academics, community service, leadership, and violence prevention.

an old program from the annual field and track meet
a roster and team picture of the Davenport, Central football team
an old sports bracket

You can find a free online archive of IHSAA publications using ArcaSearch. The digitized and searchable items located in this collection are available to view, download, print, and share. This database includes bulletins (1924-2020), postseason summary books (1967-2005) and state tournament programs (through 2020).

logo for Musco Sports Lighting


Become inspired by iconic Iowans at Achieve.

The IHSAA’s program from the Iowa Hall of Pride moved online in 2022, sharing real stories of notable Iowans who excelled in athletics, the arts, and as ambassadors of their schools and communities.